
Showing posts from 2008

God's Sense of Humor

Well, I know it has been forever since I posted anything and that certainly was not my intention but you know how life is. Here's a short list of what has been going on: 2 graduate courses wrapping up, finished a 100 page yearbook for school, planned/hosted DS's 4th birthday, got DD over her first ear infection, and spent the last week trying to tame my allergies while not being able to take anything. (I'm sure I left out a few things but you get the idea.) Even this week is crazy, I have to write my final paper for one class, take the final exam for another, distribute 450 yearbooks and take DD to the doctor--all in the next 3 days! Stressed--you bet! So what does this have to do with God's sense of humor? Well, Sunday I saw the quarterly women's devotional published by our church and picked it up. Certainly I have great hopes of being one of those people who rise with the sun and spend and hour in communion with our Lord but somehow it just doesn't ever happen...


God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Psalms 46:1 God is our refuge. How many times have we heard that? Sung that? Desired that? But what does it really mean? Webster's uses words like protection, safety , escape to define it. That is what God should be for me. He should be the place I run to when I am afraid or upset. He is my escape from whatever is troubling me, but He is not always where I turn to. As I said last post, these are the times I would run to DH. As as soon as I am upset or anxious, I pick up the phone and call him. Now certainly there are times that this is called for, but to tell him that I can't find my keys or that DS (dear son) has pushed my last button? It is not as if he can fax himself through the phone line or run home just to rescue me. No, these are the times that I need to stop and seek God. I need to call Him and ask for His guidance or help. Does God care about where my car keys are, not really; but, He does care about me...


Welcome to my blog! This is the first time I've ever had a blog but now just seems like the right time. Who knows where it will lead. So, your probably wondering why I chose the title "Reflections from the Hills?" Well, it is a play on Psalms 121:1-2, "I lift my up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, Maker of Heaven and Earth." You see, I have been struggling a lot lately. My marriage is not what I want it to be, I always feel lost and as if something "just isn't right." I've been asking God to show me what is going on and, you know, sometimes you get more than you ask for. So here is what He has shown me, (and forgive me if this rattles on a bit but I'm new at this) First, the problem with my marriage, isn't him, as in Dear Hubby or DH (well, some of it but he isn't here, I am so God is dealing with me-Ouch!). God showed me that while I have been railing on DH about his priorities, mine w...