God's Sense of Humor
Well, I know it has been forever since I posted anything and that certainly was not my intention but you know how life is. Here's a short list of what has been going on: 2 graduate courses wrapping up, finished a 100 page yearbook for school, planned/hosted DS's 4th birthday, got DD over her first ear infection, and spent the last week trying to tame my allergies while not being able to take anything. (I'm sure I left out a few things but you get the idea.) Even this week is crazy, I have to write my final paper for one class, take the final exam for another, distribute 450 yearbooks and take DD to the doctor--all in the next 3 days! Stressed--you bet! So what does this have to do with God's sense of humor? Well, Sunday I saw the quarterly women's devotional published by our church and picked it up. Certainly I have great hopes of being one of those people who rise with the sun and spend and hour in communion with our Lord but somehow it just doesn't ever happen...