Are you robbing God?
In Malachi, God calls out the Isrealites for robbing him of his rightful sacrifice (Mal. 3). They were no longer bringing a full tithe and offering to the temple, and what they were bringing was less than their best. God then tells them to "bring the whole tithe into the storehouse v. 10" and "test me in this and see if I will not open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have enough room for it." What an amazing offer! The God of all the Universe (He-man voice) promises to overwhelm them with blessings if they would only follow is commandments! I'm pretty sure I could do that! Or could I?
I know we would all like to give God our best, or at least be able to say we do, but if we were to take a really hard look at our lives, what would they show? (Yeah, I know, I'm squirming too right now!) What blessings are we missing out on because we are holding back our best, just like the Isrealites 2000 years ago. How much more does he long to give us but we block him with our disobedience to his commands to give him our best? Even though we are no longer bound by the laws of sacrifice because Jesus willingly became the ultimate offering, we are still called on to offer our most precious gifts to God to honor him. Certianly we should give our tithe just as the Isrealites were called on to do, but we can also offer our time, our talents, and most importantly, our will to allow God to use us as he needs and desires.
God knows what "your best" is and he knows if you are giving him all or robbing him. Just think of the good you do now with your best (and I'm sure some of you reading this do awesome things for his kingdom daily), but imagine, if you are are doing all that on your own, how much more can the Eternal God of the Universe do with it? (and what blessings will come will come to you when you do!) Look into your heart today and ask God to show you what you are holding back from him. Give it all to him and allow him to use your best as he wills; then, watch and marvel at all the blessings he pours on you, he's already promised you won't have room for it all!
Father, thank you that you love us enough to give us a chance to make things right with you. Thank you for promising blessings beyond measure for being obeient to you. Show us where we are holding back from you and give us the courage to lay it all at your nail scarred feet. Lord, let us not offer our best to you just for what we get in return but out honor and gratitude for all you have already given us!
I know we would all like to give God our best, or at least be able to say we do, but if we were to take a really hard look at our lives, what would they show? (Yeah, I know, I'm squirming too right now!) What blessings are we missing out on because we are holding back our best, just like the Isrealites 2000 years ago. How much more does he long to give us but we block him with our disobedience to his commands to give him our best? Even though we are no longer bound by the laws of sacrifice because Jesus willingly became the ultimate offering, we are still called on to offer our most precious gifts to God to honor him. Certianly we should give our tithe just as the Isrealites were called on to do, but we can also offer our time, our talents, and most importantly, our will to allow God to use us as he needs and desires.
God knows what "your best" is and he knows if you are giving him all or robbing him. Just think of the good you do now with your best (and I'm sure some of you reading this do awesome things for his kingdom daily), but imagine, if you are are doing all that on your own, how much more can the Eternal God of the Universe do with it? (and what blessings will come will come to you when you do!) Look into your heart today and ask God to show you what you are holding back from him. Give it all to him and allow him to use your best as he wills; then, watch and marvel at all the blessings he pours on you, he's already promised you won't have room for it all!
Father, thank you that you love us enough to give us a chance to make things right with you. Thank you for promising blessings beyond measure for being obeient to you. Show us where we are holding back from you and give us the courage to lay it all at your nail scarred feet. Lord, let us not offer our best to you just for what we get in return but out honor and gratitude for all you have already given us!