Have you synced lately?

When we use terms like "sync," "backup," and "restore" we most often think of our PDA's or computers; but have we ever thought to apply them to ourselves? God created the most powerful super-computer ever---US! (Now, say that again in the He-Man voice for full effect!) That's right, you and me--we are the greatest computers ever made. So wouldn't it make sense that if we take the time to ensure our other "devices" are protected that we should make time to protect the most valuable thing we have, ourselves? Lets see what this looks like...

To sync something means to share information and syncronize our devices. We sync to make sure we have the same music on our computer and our ipod, the dates on the calendar match, and our contacts are updated. Sync also means to "be in harmony with." If we are to be up to date with what God has for us and in harmony with Him, we must sync with him daily through prayer and Bible reading. Phil. 4:6 tells us "do not be anxious about anything, but in EVERYTHING, with prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." He promises that if we sync with him in prayer we will have peace! How awesome!

Now, syncing is certainly the starting point but as anyone who has ever had a computer crash can tell you, backing up your files is a pretty important step too. By backing up, we don't just make sure everything matches, we make a second copy we can revert to if something happens to the first. We can back up with God through fellowship and building strong relationships with other Christians. Through this process, we create a back up of our faith for those times when we struggle or crash. By having an established support network, we are prepared for those moments when life is too much. Ecc. 4:9 says that "though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves, a cord of 3 strands is not quickly broken." In other words, we need to back up our faith with others who will stand beside us and hold us when we are weak, and we will all face times of weakness!

Lastly, when our devices do fail, we have to restore them. It's never fun to have your hard-drive wiped and have to reset everything but often, our devices run better after a good reset. The same can be said of our spiritual life. We should take time thoughout the year to restore our faith though retreats, conferences and trips so that we can be returned to our first love. Unlike daily prayer or fellowship, these opportunties often allow us  to go deeper into communion with God and reset our relationship. In Ps 51:10,12, David asks God to "create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Restore me to the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." We should make David's cry our own and from time to time ask God to restore us.

So, when was the last time you synced, backed up or restored yourself with God? The most wonderful thing is that, unlike waiting too long to do these things with our electronics, God doesn't care how long its been or why you chose to sync with him now, only that you are willing now. Make David's prayer your own and ask God to restore you to your first love. He will!!!!


Mother said…
I am so immensely proud of you and amazed at your ability to write with such conviction. What a wonderful outlet to express your day to day troubles and then share your knowledge of God's prescence in your life with anyone who wants to read your blog. I find it quite uplifting. May God bless you, Randy, Larson, and Laine every moment of every day.

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